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From Tradition to Tech: The New Horizon of Professional & Financial Services

August 23, 2023

Danielle Wallis
Marketing Manager

From Tradition to Tech: The New Horizon of Professional & Financial Services

The digital age is upon us, reshaping industries with increasing speed. For professional and financial services, it's no longer business as usual. From AI-driven legal aids to quantum leaps in accounting, the way ahead is punctuated with innovations. Dive in as we explore how these changes are scripting a new era.

Legal: Modernising the Judiciary  

By 2025, Gartner anticipates that legal departments will triple their legal tech expenditure. The winning formula? A fluid multi-year legal technology strategy attuned to both corporate shifts and technological innovations. Here are some of the most prominent emerging trends:

  • Blockchain: Originally fuelling cryptocurrencies, blockchain provides secure, tamper-proof records. For example, ASX is migrating to a blockchain system, aiming for secure equity transactions and eliminating the need for intermediaries.
  • AI & Chatbots: Platforms like LawGeex employ AI to assess contracts, boasting an impressive 94% accuracy in identifying legal clauses in NDAs. This not only increases efficiency but also decreases the margin for human error.
  • Cloud Computing: By storing data offsite on remote servers, cloud computing allows law firms to access, share, and protect their information more efficiently and at a reduced cost.

Accountancy & Audit: Modern Tools for Age-Old Practices  

The realm of accountancy and audit is also subject to emerging technological innovation. The services have progressed far beyond account management, balance sheets, and payroll. While some experts believe accounting has a bleak future in the digital age, technologies such as cloud-based data management, process automation, and advanced analytics are ready to elevate this field. Here’s how:

  • Big Data: Enables accountants to derive meaningful insights from vast sets of unstructured data, leading to improved decision-making and forecasting.
  • Quantum Computing & 5G: These have the potential to analyse complex financial data sets in seconds, offering real-time insights.
  • AI & ML: Software like PLANERGY employs machine learning algorithms to analyse and predict financial trends, optimising financial strategies.
  • Intelligence of Things: Combining AI with Internet of Things devices allows for real-time monitoring of financial metrics.
  • RPA: Robotic Process Automation tools undertake repetitive tasks, freeing professionals to focus on complex analyses and advisory roles.

Insurance: Adapting to the Modern Customer

Historically, the insurance sector has seen steady, incremental changes. But with today's rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations, insurers are pushed to revolutionise their traditional operating frameworks. Faced with a multitude of evolving factors, insurers must prioritise their areas of innovation, explore potential adoption strategies, and identify synergistic partnerships to remain relevant and competitive by 2030.

As customers increasingly demand seamless experiences, tech giants are spotting opportunities to delve into the insurance market. In response, insurance companies are adjusting their strategies, aiming to deliver frictionless, intuitive interactions for their clientele.

  • Predictive Analytics & AI: Platforms like Allstate's ABIE utilise AI to analyse past data and forecast future insurance needs, offering customised recommendations.
  • AI/ML Algorithms: Companies like Lemonade deploy AI for swift underwriting and claim processing, reducing waiting times and overheads.
  • OCR & Digitalisation: Optical Character Recognition tech, used by firms like MetLife, digitises and verifies physical documents, speeding up claim resolutions.
  • Process Automation & Management Systems: These digital solutions streamline operations, from underwriting to customer support, fostering efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Payments and Transactions: Embracing the Digital Revolution  

The digital realm is revolutionising how we pay, transfer, and transact. As technological advancements like mobile wallets and contactless payments redefine convenience, even traditional payment processes face stiff competition. Let’s delve into some transformative trends:

  • E-Wallets: Digital wallets, like the Starbucks app, facilitate rapid, secure transactions. The rise from 17% to 24% in a year indicates consumer preference shifts.
  • Cross-Border Payments: Platforms like Wise offer international transfers at a fraction of traditional banking costs, owing to real-time exchange rates and low fees.
  • BNPL & A2A Transfers: "Buy Now, Pay Later" and "Account to Account" services offered by fintechs like Affirm and Klarna allow for deferred payments and direct account transfers, enhancing consumer flexibility.
  • CBDCs: Central Bank Digital Currencies, inspired by cryptocurrencies, are state-sanctioned digital currencies aiming to combine the benefits of digital assets with the stability of national currencies.

Ethical Considerations in the Intersection of Tech and Finance

The intertwining of technology with finance and insurance brings forth a host of ethical questions that merit attention:

  1. Data Privacy and Consent: With the advent of open finance and digital platforms, there's an increasing concern about user data privacy. Are customers fully aware of how their data is being used? Is the consent explicit and informed?
  1. Bias in AI: AI and ML algorithms, particularly in insurance risk assessments and finance predictions, rely on vast amounts of data. However, if this data is inherently biased, the AI's conclusions can perpetuate systemic inequalities, leading to unfair treatment of certain demographic groups.
  1. Transparency: Many AI models function as 'black boxes', making it challenging to decipher their decision-making processes. This lack of transparency can be problematic, especially when decisions about creditworthiness or insurance payouts hinge on these models.
  1. Financial Inclusion: As digital finance platforms rise, there's a risk of alienating those who lack the resources or literacy to access these platforms. This raises questions about equitable access to financial services.

Potential Risks of Technological Innovations

  1. Dependency on Technology: As the industry becomes more reliant on advanced technologies, any technical glitches, system failures, or cyberattacks can have amplified consequences, potentially affecting millions of users and transactions.
  1. Regulatory Lag: The speed of technological change often outpaces regulatory updates. This gap can result in the misuse of technology or exploitation of regulatory grey areas, leading to unforeseen consequences.
  1. Job Displacement: With automation and AI taking over many routine tasks, there's a looming threat to job security in certain sectors of the industry. Adapting to this changing landscape will be crucial for professionals.
  1. Economic Impacts: As services like "Buy Now Pay Later" grow, there's potential for consumers to overextend themselves financially. Such models might lead to significant economic ripples if not regulated or used responsibly.
  1. Over-reliance on Data: A singular focus on data-driven decisions could overlook qualitative factors or the human element, which has historically been crucial in areas like insurance claims assessments or financial advising.

By addressing these ethical dilemmas and potential risks, the industry can better prepare for a future where technology and finance not only coexist but thrive symbiotically. It's imperative for stakeholders to engage in these conversations proactively, ensuring that the march of progress benefits all and harms none.

The Landscape of Innovation in Professional and Financial Services

Innovation is more than just a contemporary term—it’s the catalyst reshaping the essence of professional and financial services. From the nuances of legal counsel to the intricacies of insurance, every facet is experiencing a shift. And there’s certainly a call for pioneers to lead this transformation.

And here lies a golden opportunity…

Introducing the Innovation in Professional & Financial Services R2 Collaborations Grant Competition. If you have a disruptive project in this field, this is your platform. Discover more about the grant here.

Struggling to articulate your groundbreaking idea? Inventya is here to assist. Our team of grant-writing connoisseurs can translate your vision into a compelling narrative that resonates with evaluators. Let’s collaborate and unlock the resources to redefine the future. Connect with us at 01925 506 100 or email at info@inventya.com. Your innovative journey deserves the spotlight—let us help you illuminate it.

August 23, 2023
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