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Securing Investment in an Adverse Climate: Strategies for Preparing, Targeting and Submitting your Pitch

January 12, 2024

Danielle Wallis
Marketing Manager

Securing Investment in an Adverse Climate: Strategies for Preparing, Targeting and Submitting your Pitch

In the current economic climate, attempting to secure investment is an understandably daunting task. For entrepreneurs and business leaders, the landscape is indisputably challenging, but with informed strategies and preparation, it's possible to find and secure support from the ideal investors for your business proposition.  

At Inventya, we specialise in guiding businesses through this intricate process, ensuring they are investor-ready with proposals that are compelling and well-targeted – ultimately, we help you to stand out in a crowded marketplace. This article aims to guide you through the most critical steps in investment proposal preparation, targeting and submission, providing actionable advice for your investment journey.    

1. Preparing for Investment: Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition

The first step towards securing investment is to create a strong value proposition. This involves understanding your business's unique selling points, but perhaps most importantly, persuasively presenting how they align with potential investors' interests. Presentation is vital here because it’s the first thing the investors see in your email, and if this doesn’t pique their interest, they won’t even open your pitch deck.  

Moreover, it’s crucial to refine your value proposition to a few sentences, which can be more difficult than a 3000-word essay for some. It’s natural that if you are passionate about your product, you might want to write an essay about it, but remember, conciseness is key to attracting attention in a busy investment environment. Creating a focused, clear, persuasive and investor-aligned value proposition is the first important step to take.  

  1. Pitch Deck Preparation: Enhancing Financial Projections for Investor Confidence

Following the crafting of a succinct and powerful value proposition, the next step is the preparation of your pitch deck, with a critical focus on developing detailed financial projections. This step is crucial, as it demonstrates your business acumen and understanding of market dynamics – furthermore, it is your first chance to provide an in-depth look at your business’ suitability for investment.  

A robust financial projection model is more than just numbers; it's a narrative about your business's potential and sustainability. These projections should encompass not only the immediate funding requirements but also a well-considered forecast of revenue, expenses, cash flow, and profitability over a realistic timeline.  

Remember, the key is not just accuracy, but balance. Overly optimistic projections can be as off-putting as overly conservative ones. Ground your financial projections in solid market research, historical data (if available), and realistic assumptions. These projections should align with your value proposition, reinforcing the message that your business is not only promising but also prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

In essence, your financial projections  are crucial because they provide substance to your promises, turning persuasive words into actionable, credible plans. This comprehensive preparation underscores your readiness for investment and positions your business as a viable, attractive opportunity for potential investors.

3. Researching and Targeting the Right Investors

Following the development of your value proposition and pitch deck, the crucial next step is identifying and engaging the right investors. Just as a product achieves success by meeting the specific needs of its customers, finding suitable investors requires understanding and aligning with their interests and investment criteria.

The process of investor targeting goes beyond a basic search; it's about strategic alignment. It involves a deep and nuanced understanding of the investor landscape, discerning those who are most likely to have an interest in your business sector and investment level. This includes comprehending the preferences, investment histories, and sector inclinations of potential investors, and ensuring that you approach those who have a demonstrated interest in your business domain.

4. Personalised Approach: The Key to Investor Engagement

With a wide range of potential investors, it's important to remember that a targeted, personalised approach is far more effective than a broad, scattergun strategy. Each investor has unique criteria, encompassing investment size, risk appetite, and sector preference. Tailoring your approach to match these criteria is crucial. The communication with potential investors should be personalised, targeted, and crafted to speak directly to their interests.

Customising your pitch to each investor, and understanding their portfolio and investment style, significantly increases the likelihood of engaging their interest.

5. Start with Expert Guidance

Many of our clients have previously attempted to secure funding independently and found the process challenging. Starting your investment journey with expert guidance from Inventya not only enhances your credibility but also significantly increases your chances of success. Our comprehensive approach, from working with you to refine and optimise your value proposition and pitch deck, to targeting the right investors, will help ensure that your business stands out in a crowded and competitive marketplace. It’s important to remember that unfortunately, unsuccessful attempts to secure investment do impact your credibility and future chances.

We recognise that securing investment can sometimes feel like a game of chance, dependent on timing and catching investors at the right moment. To help you overcome this, we can leverage our established relationships with major funds and investors, to ensure that your proposal is at least read and considered.

6. Join Our Webinar!

While the investment landscape may be complex and sometimes daunting, with the right preparation, targeting, and expert support, finding the right investors for your business is not just a possibility, but a highly achievable goal. At Inventya, we are committed to guiding you through every step of this journey, turning the process into a structured, strategic, and ultimately successful endeavour.

We invite you to join our upcoming webinar " Securing Investment in a Challenging Economic Environment ” on January 25th at 1:00 PM. This webinar will be hosted by some of our finance and investment experts at Inventya, alongside a speaker from Swoop (Business Funding Experts) and is designed to provide deeper insights and actionable strategies to navigate the current economic challenges. With an informal fireside chat format, this is an opportunity for you to hear some professional insights, gain a deeper understanding, and ask any questions. Register here: https://bit.ly/3S3YA7U .

January 12, 2024
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