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Invitation to Tender: Business Data and Insights Platform

February 19, 2024

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Inventya is a consultancy that supports innovators to grow and scale by commercialising new products, services and innovation. Supporting clients to secure future funding and finance, to enter new markets, protect their IP and ensure their projects comply with funders and stakeholder requirements.  


Inventya requires access to an online database or market intelligence platform for discovering, tracking and understanding high growth UK businesses. This contract is for 96 licenses and will include training and support services.


The online database or platform must have:

1.      The ability to search and export detailed UK company financial,investment, patent and contact data

2.      Capability for multiple user licences, accessible simultaneously

3.      Provide accurate financial information for all UK companies

4.      Allow advanced search capabilities, filtering by region, sector, company size etc.  

5.      Provide indicators that identify businesses that are high growth or have high growth potential

6.      Provide investor insights including recent investments made/received,pre & post money valuations

7.      Provide market intelligence, sector analysis, statistics and trends


Inventya also requires a quotation for API integration to allow data from the online platform to be pushed into a CRM to enrich company intelligence. Please indicate this cost separately from accessing the platform.  


Deliverable Timescale

Tender published:                 19th February 2024

Tender closes:                       5pm on 6th March 2024

Tenderers notified:               12th March 2024

Contract starts:                     1stApril 2024


Indicative Budget

£150,000 + VAT


Evaluation Criteria

Quotations will be assessed and scored on the following criteria:


1: Quality/Technical Merit (40%): Overall assessment of solution (fitness for purpose)

2: Delivery Timescale (20%): Supplying access to the platform on time

3: Track record (20%):Track record of delivering

4: Cost (20%): Value for money

Please send your tender response to Andrew Kent, Programme Director, a.kent@inventya.com


1. In relation to UK company financial health, investment, patent and contact data, do you require real-time, one-off historical data, or both?
  • Financial data, historical investment, patent and contact data both real-time and historical.

2. In relation to providing company high growth or high growth potential, do you require real-time, one-off historical data, or both?

  • Ideally both.

3. In relation to investor insights including recent investments made/received, pre & post money valuations, do you require real-time, one-off historical data, or both?

  • Ideally both.

4. By all UK businesses, do you mean all private sector businesses operating in the UK, or do you mean all private sector businesses over a certain threshold e.g. size, value, employee number etc.?

  • Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) but large company data would also be welcome.

5. Are you able to share any further information about what you currently have in place for business insights and intelligence? What are your current pain points/challenges? Do you have any existing data feeds or lists of data fields you can share with us?

  • We currently have multiple data feeds which we would like to consolidate into one platform. It is likely we will reduce the number of data feeds depending on what the solution can provide.

6. Please can you be more specific on the types of investment data for companies you require?

  • The value of investment, dates of investment, the investor(s), pre and post money valuations.

7. Do you have any existing data feeds that cover any or all of the required information you would like to filter / interact with via the solution?

  • We currently have multiple data feeds which we would like to consolidate into one platform. It is likely we will reduce the number of data fields depending on what the solution can provide.

8. Are there any specific sources or third-party data providers that you prefer or require?

  • No

9. To confirm, is your CRM a Zoho solution?

  • No, the CRM will be Salesforce.

10. Do you have any view on the expected volumes of company data required to be monitored and this split by data type?

  • At the moment we have around 30k records, with an additional 2-3k per month being added.

11. Is there specific detail around patents that you require, and is this UK based only, or global coverage?

  • Global coverage for UK based businesses.

12. Are there any data points you are expecting that would sit outside of the public domain?

  • As part of this tender it is expected that we will be comparing different solutions and the data sets that different organisations could provide. We are not familiar with the provenance of the data.

13. Are we able to request an extension for our submission to this requirement please?

  • We will extend the deadline to 6th March.

14. Please can you provide us with more information on what has triggered this procurement?

  • A requirement to access business data for mapping, targeting relevant beneficiaries, service delivery, insight and analytics.

15. Which data points would you need through the API?

  • Companies, transactions, patents and investment.

16. In terms of the API, do you have access to your own tech resources to support the API integration?

  • Yes

17. Would you require insight into what the patent was for, or just simply if they have a patent granted /pending?

  • We’re looking for high level information (name, number, etc) with a link to find out more.

18. Are the end users of the platform yourselves or will they be an external party?

  • We are procuring for a programme which has multiple stakeholders but Inventya will be the signing authority and all the agreements will be with Inventya on behalf of the consortium.

19. Please can you provide the data feed/provider names you currently use.

  • We don’t currently have any data feeds.

20. Will you require migration of your existing data as part of the service

  • There will be no migration of existing data.

February 19, 2024
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