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Inventya partners with HOST to help SMEs and start-ups access funding and accelerate innovation

May 23, 2022

Aldo De Leonibus
CEO & Cofounder

Inventya, is partnering with HOST, the Home of Skills & Technology in MediaCity, to provide diverse SMEs and start-up businesses with access to funding, commercialisation and internationalisation support to accelerate growth and innovation.

Innovation management consultancy Inventya is HOST’s exclusive partner for Innovate UK EDGE services and specialist R&D tax credit advice across its business growth programmes, including FreelanceHER, the Your Tech series and IN4 Access.

Innovation hub HOST, operated by IN4 Group, recently collaborated with Inventya to deliver the Fund Your Tech series, which provided businesses with tailored information and training on how to successfully receive grant funding. They also spoke at HOST’s Prepare to Raise event, advising businesses on how to prepare themselves for equity investment.

Inventya’s clients will also benefit from accessing HOST’s programmes and labs to boost their opportunities, further growing the innovation ecosystem collaboratively across Greater Manchester.

As one of the fastest-growing technology hubs in Europe, Manchester has an economy worth an estimated £5 billion, employing 58,000 people in more than 10,000 businesses. While the North West has the highest creative cluster outside of London.

With a presence in the UK, Ireland and India, Inventya is committed to delivering tangible success and social, environmental and economic impact. It strategically links market knowledge, technology and finance through a range of tailored services that deliver impact and add value to their clients.

Mo Isap, CEO of IN4 Group, said: “We are thrilled to be working with Inventya, a dynamic innovation management consultancy with vast experience in supporting businesses with the development and commercialisation of their products and services. This partnership will help us on our mission to support the growth and scaling of the most innovative businesses in the North.”

Aldo De Leonibus, CEO at Inventya, says: “At Inventya we are continually developing and expanding our offering to support the commercialisation and growth journey of innovative diverse companies. We are excited to start on this partnership with HOST which will allow us to support our clients to further accelerate their growth and the growth of the innovative ecosystem in the North.”

To find out more about HOST, head to hostsalford.com

Image description: L-r: Mo Isap, CEO of IN4 Group; Giulia Sirigu, Senior Innovation and Growth Specialist at Inventya; Qubra Din, Programmes Business Manager at HOST; and CEO of Inventya Aldo De Leonibus.

May 23, 2022
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