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The Content Fund: Larger-Scale Commercial Games-for-Entertainment Content Grants

General & Misc
Project Size:
£50,000 to £150,000

Overview: The Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) has announced an additional £5 million for the UK Games Fund, aimed at supporting the growth and development of the creative sectors. This funding offers grants ranging from £50,000 to £150,000 for the development of commercial games-for-entertainment content.

Key Features:

· Funding Amount: £50,000 to £150,000

· Application Process: Rolling deadlines with periodic closures for review

· Eligibility: UK registered SMEs with PAYE employees engaged in games development

Applicant Company Requirements:

· Must be a UK registered SME with PAYE employees in games development

· UK-based founder-directors as significant shareholders

· Total previous grants and subsidies must not exceed £315,000 over three years

· Financially stable without acute working capital challenges

· Capable of articulating business structure and growth strategy

Development Approach Requirements:

· Funding to support a mix of existing/new employees and contractors

· Clear development approach with planned physical work locations in the UK

· Preference for employed staff over contractors

· Opportunities for team networking and addressing under-representation

Project Requirements:

· Must have a prototype in place

· IP owned or licensed as per project requirements

· No gambling elements or potentially reputationally damaging content

· Focus on commercial games for entertainment with potential for a large audience

· Eligible costs include staff and contractor hands-on development activity

· Must demonstrate understanding of the target audience and credible funding rationale

Leverage Requirements:

· Overall project costs must be at least double the requested grant

· Must show strong additionality, with funding unlocking additional resources and opportunities


· Project IP originated and developed by the applicant

· Funding used early or mid-development cycle

· Spending within 6-12 months of grant offer

Application and Funding Details:

· Successful applicants receive full grant payment in advance, typically within four weeks of contract completion

· Monthly progress reports required, along with a final report and accountant-certified financial report

· Engagement with external evaluation contractor required

· Directors must verify their identity on Yoti

Contact and Additional Information:

· Early applications encouraged, especially for the financial year 2023/24

· Previous grant recipients can apply if they demonstrate positive outcomes from prior funding

This grant aims to support the growth of the indie games sector, focusing on the development of UK-based games development studios and enhancing the field of ‘foundership’ in the industry. For further details and to apply, visit the UK Games Fund website.

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