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Smart Shipping Acceleration Fund

Automotive & Transport
Project Size:
Between £75,000 and £750,000


The Smart Shipping Acceleration Fund, offers UK-registered organisations a share of up to £8

million to support the development of innovative smart shipping technologies. These

technologies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality in maritime


Key Dates

• Competition Opens: 22 April 2024

• Competition Closes: 26 June 2024, 11:00 AM

Funding Details

• Total Available: £8 million

• Project Costs: Between £75,000 and £750,000

• Project Duration: Must start by 1 November 2024 and conclude by 31 March 2025


The fund is designed to support detailed feasibility studies for technology demonstrations that:

• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

• Improve air quality through scalable smart shipping technologies.

• Include on-vessel and infrastructure technologies.


• Applicants must be UK registered businesses of any size.

• Collaboration with other UK registered organisations is required.

• Projects must be conducted entirely within the UK and intend to exploit results within

the UK.

Scope and Themes

The fund focuses on several key areas:

• Vessel optimisation and smart efficiency technologies.

• Autonomous vessels and subsystems like control systems and sensors.

• Smart maintenance operations technologies.

• Port and shipyard operations optimisation and digitisation.

• Digital tools for route planning and emissions monitoring.


• Proposals must outline a real-world demonstration or deployment plan to be

operational by the end of 2027.

• Projects must show a significant potential for greenhouse gas reduction or air quality


• Proposals should include a detailed and costed plan for technology demonstration in

operational settings.


• Projects focusing on fossil fuel powertrains, military applications, or not targeting

significant emissions or air quality improvements will not be funded.

• The competition excludes projects dependent on export performance or domestic

inputs usage.

Submission Guidelines

• Projects must start on the first of the month and reflect this in the application.

• Subcontractors are allowed but must be justified, particularly if overseas.


• The fund aims to boost jobs and economic growth across the UK, especially in smart

shipping and maritime sectors.

• Projects should anchor and exploit Intellectual Property (IP) generated from the project

for the benefit of the UK supply chain.

This grant provides a substantial opportunity for maritime sector innovations that align with

environmental sustainability goals. For further assistance or to apply, you can contact the

Inventya grants team for a free consultation.

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